Business in Focus: Bain & Company

A closer look at companies executing leadership excellence

“Best People, Best Culture, Best Training.” That’s what many employees say about Bain & Company, the Boston-based management consulting firm, founded in 1973.  With consistent top national rankings on websites like Glassdoor and Vault we were curious to learn more about what employees loved about Bain & Company’s culture. Here are three employee responses from a 2015 internal survey on culture:


cultire1How does Bain & Company’s culture affect you day to day?

“There is a very strong emphasis on culture. I have seen that there is a big effort to make the job as fun as possible: tackling work/life balance issues, lots of social events, free beers on Fridays, an emphasis on mentorship and a lack of hierarchy.”



culture2How do your colleagues contribute to the atmosphere?

“The people are amazing so you’re always working in great teams of people who are both incredibly intelligent and great fun. ‘A Bainie never lets another Bainie fail’ so there’s great team spirit. There are plenty of opportunities to socialize with colleagues but it is very much on a take it or leave it basis – there’s no pressure to attend but they are great fun if you do.”



culture3How does the culture at Bain & Company affect your work?

“Bain has a rare culture that fosters teamwork and collaboration, and makes even the most difficult cases fun rewarding. Everyone will go out of their way to help you, no matter how busy they are. Bain also supports its culture by investing in frequent, and extremely fun, office events.”


Kudos to Bain & Company for making your inside look as good as your outside!



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