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Perspectives on theWorld we Work in

The 10 Most Popular TED Talks of 2021

The 10 Most Popular TED Talks of 2021

Want to get out of that “meh” feeling and start finding your flow? Interested in learning more about how mRNA works? Looking for ways to have constructive conversations and deepen your relationships? From speeches on education to the practice of mindfulness, TED Talks are...

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How to Show Up as Your Best Self in 2022

How to Show Up as Your Best Self in 2022

Chances are, January has you thinking about how to be your best self this year. Doing so likely means taking stock of the rote habits in your life that are causing a drag on your energy. Simple enough in theory. Yet, simple is rarely simplistic. 19th century philosopher...

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Our 10 Most Popular Blog Posts of 2021

Our 10 Most Popular Blog Posts of 2021

It’s been another year marked by uncertainty and disruption. Much like the end of 2020, many of us may feel similarly in that we cannot wait for 2021 to be over. But before we dive into 2022, we took a look back at which of this year’s posts got the most buzz. Some of our...

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3 Steps to Gathering Well

3 Steps to Gathering Well

On Thanksgiving Day, most of us look forward to enjoying plenty of good food. But, plenty of good conversation? Not on the menu. With family and friends of all generations and mixed political persuasions coming together for the holiday, avoiding conversational controversy...

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3 Ways to Give Thanks Like a Boss

3 Ways to Give Thanks Like a Boss

We’ve all come across them. Those leaders who people naturally gravitate toward. Though it seems counterintuitive, the magnetic effect these leaders have on people is not because of how people feel about the leader. It’s because of how the leader makes people feel about...

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How to Overcome Your Fears as a Leader

How to Overcome Your Fears as a Leader

Being a leader is sometimes frightening. The greater responsibility you have in an organization, the greater the impact your decisions will have. But, if you wait until you have all of the information needed to make the perfect decision, you really aren't making a decision...

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