Message From Our Founder

Message From Our Founder


Welcome to the forty-eighth issue of CEE News!

Today’s organizations are fighting a workforce trifecta of facts. Fact 1: There are 1 million more job openings in the U.S. than workers to fill them. Fact 2: The employee quit rate in the U.S. has hit a 17-year high. Fact 3: Workplace burnout is being upgraded as a syndrome linked to chronic stress by the World Health Organization in its International Classification of Diseases. In short, managers are trying to get more done with fewer people at a greater risk to their own health. It gets worse.


Message From Our Founder

Message From Our Founder


Welcome to the forty-seventh issue of CEE News!

On May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy announced an audacious goal. Before a joint session of Congress, Kennedy laid out a compelling vision: to put a man on the moon and return him safely to Earth by the end of the decade.  It is estimated that on the night of that speech we knew only about 15% of what we needed to accomplish that goal. No U.S. astronaut had ever orbited the Earth, we had never walked in space, and we had never designed a lunar module.  But America’s space race with the Soviets was intensifying, and our country was in serious danger of losing. I wasn’t alive when Kennedy made his speech before Congress, but I was alive on July 20, 1969, — 50 years ago this month — to watch along with millions of people around the world as Neil Armstrong took one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind. 


Message From Our Founder

Message From Our Founder


Welcome to the forty-sixth issue of CEE News!


Okay people. Summer is officially here. We’re in month six of 2019. If you haven’t already taken time off this year, it’s time to do so.  Research shows that pushing away from work results in greater professional success and improves happiness at work and home.

What’s more, medical studies have found that overwork can lead to sleep deprivation, heart disease and increased risk of stroke.  Whereas taking even a short vacation, can lead to measurable improvements.

In a 2017 study by Project: Time Off, 95% of people surveyed claimed that using their paid time off was very important. Yet 55% of Americans had unused vacation days, or 705 million unused vacation days. (more…)

Message From Our Founder

Message From Our Founder


Welcome to the forty-fifth issue of CEE News!

A budding entrepreneur wanted to launch an app. She asked me to review her preliminary investor pitch deck. She had done the market research, identified the need, forecasted the ROI, and built a sound business case. She clearly knew her stuff, but something critical was missing.

As we kept chatting, she shifted from talking about the data to talking about why she wanted to build the app. Her whole demeanor changed. Her eyes sparkled. She couldn’t stop smiling. When she thought about how the app could positively impact the world, she shifted from the stats to the story – from the head to the heart.


Message From Our Founder

Message From Our Founder


Welcome to the forty-fourth issue of CEE News!

I recently returned from New Orleans where I took my mother to celebrate her 80th birthday. Although I live in San Diego and Mom lives north of Houston, we chose New Orleans because seeing the Alvin Ailey Dancers perform was on Mom’s bucket list, and they were scheduled to perform in New Orleans on her birthday. Growing up in Texas, I knew of New Orleans as the Mardi Gras-hosting city of debauchery that young girls like me were to avoid at all costs.  So, naturally, the city has always been on my bucket list.

In addition to seeing the Alvin Ailey troupe perform at the Mahalia Jackson Theatre, spending an entire day exploring City Park, and dropping into the French Quarter for a stroll and a taste of the original muffuletta sandwich from Central Grocery, it’s how we bookended our trip that left the greatest impact on me.


Message From Our Founder

Message From Our Founder


Welcome to the forty-third issue of CEE News!

Picture a leader. Do you see a woman? If not, you aren’t alone. A recent study published in the Academy of Management Journal confirms that getting recognized as a leader is more difficult for women than for men. That is why I’m excited that March is here. If you follow our LinkedIn page, you’ll know that I contribute a weekly blog around topics like leadership, culture, and purpose.

Since March is Women’s History Month in the U.S., I dedicate this month’s posts to women leaders. I’ll be sharing stories of trail-blazing, hell-raising women like Elizabeth Jennings, who teamed with a future U.S. President to win a suit against a railroad company after being forcibly thrown off a segregated streetcar in 1850’s Manhattan. She won.
