Letter from the Founder
Welcome to the thirtieth issue of CEE News!
Last week, we worked with executives at two credit unions on leadership and culture transformation. One of the credit unions has been on the culture transformation journey for over five years. The other is just starting out. In both cases, we’re using the 4-stage roadmap to culture transformation developed by our Co-Founder, Dr. Tony Baron to help them achieve success. The four stages are: Instruct, Invest, Integrate, and Incarnate.
The credit union that has been on the culture transformation journey for over five years has achieved many successes. They’ve partially completed the Instruct, Invest, and Integrate stages. When we asked them to walk us through that journey, we looked for inflection points and what we refer to as flags.
Letter from the Founder
Welcome to the twenty-ninth issue of CEE News!
More than 15 years ago, Jim Collins, author of the best selling Good to Great, introduced the flywheel as a business metaphor. “A company achieves excellence,” Collins wrote, by “relentlessly pushing a giant, heavy flywheel in one direction, turn upon turn, building momentum until a point of breakthrough.”
The last edition of the Harvard Business Review of 2017 included a ranking of the 100 top CEO’s in the world. What’s interesting, is that the rubric for making the list included not only financial results, but environment, governance, and social (EGS) measures as well.
Letter from the Founder
Welcome to the twenty-eighth issue of CEE News!
It’s that time of the year again. Just after Thanksgiving and a few weeks before Christmas. We can still savor the memories of great food shared with family and friends without panicking about what gifts to get for them. It’s also a good time to pause and look back on the year before diving headfirst into 2018. Before you get caught up in goal setting, take some time to deliberately reflect on where you are today. Here are a couple of quick tips to help you do so.
Letter from the Founder
Welcome to the twenty-seventh issue of CEE News!
When I meet with new executive coaching clients on the first day, I give them two things: a set of reflection exercises and a journal. It’s a nice, moleskin journal with our firm’s logo embossed on the front cover. I tell them that, over the course of our work together, they’re going to be given the opportunity to make some changes to help them grow personally and professionally.
Letter from the Founder
Welcome to the twenty-sixth issue of CEE News!
A few weeks ago, I was asked by one of my clients if I could help her company with strategic planning. My answer was, “Yes and no.” I explained that, “Yes, I would be happy to help your team create a strategic plan, but only if I can also help them with strategy execution.” This is the season of the year where many of us are busy working on strategic plans. But, if we don’t have a process to turn our strategic plans into executable goals that we track each month, those plans could be DOA (dead on arrival).
Letter from the Founder
Welcome to the twenty-fifth issue of CEE News!
As I watch the brutal beating that Hurricane Harvey has unleashed on my native state, my memories turn to growing up in one of its quaint country towns. Here is an excerpt about that experience from my book, Work On Purpose: I grew up in the town of Cut & Shoot, Texas. No kidding. It’s a tiny town nestled among the tall Texas pines about 40 miles north of Houston.