5 Reasons to Rethink the Social Responsibility of Business in 2015

3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Quit Your Job

Reflect Before You Refresh Your Resume

Since publishing Work On Purpose last year, I have since had the honor of speaking and coaching on its principles. I open by telling the story of how something I heard on the radio one morning became a career-changing wake up call.  It lead me on a journey to connect with my purpose, and find work that truly made a positive impact in the world.  In closing, I challenge others to connect who they were with what they do for a living.  Then I take questions.  Without fail, this question is always in the top three: (more…)

5 Reasons to Rethink the Social Responsibility of Business in 2015

How 1 Simple New Year’s Resolution Will Help You Succeed

In his book, When the Game Is Over, It All Goes Back in the Box, John Ortberg tells a story about his son. Ortberg says,

One day when my son was three, he had been working with a tape player for an hour or so. After a while he looked up at his mom and said, ‘Mom, you know what’s the trouble with life?’ His mom replied, ‘No I don’t. What’s the trouble with life?’ The three-year-old sitting on the floor, who had thoroughly reflected on both toy technology and the conditions of human existence, made a profound observation. ‘The trouble with life is that it doesn’t have a rewind button!’ Every day and every minute carries its own finality. Time is a non-renewable resource.”  
