Message From Our Founder


Welcome to the forty-second issue of CEE News!

If you get lucky in this lifetime, you get to meet someone with the vision to right a wrong in the world, and the tenacity to make it happen. If you get very lucky, you get to play a small role in seeing that vision become a reality.

If you get very, very lucky, your spouse joins you for dozens of promotional events, your children cheer you on, and your colleagues start volunteering their talents toward the mission. Business leaders, government representatives, philanthropists, families, friends and the community start pulling together in a collective effort as the vision evolves from a dream to a reality. I consider myself lucky on all of these counts.

IMG_8950Two years ago, I met Cheryl Kilmer, the CEO of TERI, Inc., a San Diego-based nonprofit that Cheryl founded nearly 40 years ago. Since opening its doors in 1980, TERI has been creating dynamic solutions to change the world for millions of people impacted by developmental and learning disabilities. Cheryl and her team serve over 800 individuals and families with 19 model programs, K-12 schools, adult enrichment and vocational training. These programs are recognized worldwide as the highest of care in the industry.

Last month, I was honored to participate in a groundbreaking event for TERI’s new Campus of Life in north San Diego County. The 20-acre Campus of Life is a master-planned community where TERI’s clients can go to school, get vocational training, and enjoy a wide variety of enrichment programs alongside members of the community.  In addition to its currently working equestrian therapy program, the Campus will offer culinary training, organic agriculture, theaters, art, music production studios, a fitness and wellness center with pools for swimming, recreation and hydrotherapy.

As Chairwoman of the Board of Trustees for TERI, I have the honor of participating in helping the Campus of Life become a reality, and a launching a model that will be replicated around the world. Indeed, I am very, very lucky.


Sheri Nasim | President & CEO






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