Message From Our Founder

SheriNasim_HeadshotWelcome to the third issue of CEE News!

Once upon a time, the world was a more predictable, slower moving place. Most companies could operate effectively using the same structure created over 100 years ago to best suit our manufacturing economy. Employees were placed under managers, and managers under executives. Decisions came down from the top and action lived at the bottom—taking days, or sometimes years, to implement.

In today’s information economy, organizations led by traditional, transactional, command-and-control practices will not survive.  Our team is focused on helping you create a culture of leadership that can navigate change and adapt to the challenges of the 21st century workplace.

Last month we released our Vantage© white paper called, “Ditch the Pyramid: Reimagining Leadership for the 21st Century.” This month, we’re hosting a webcast to share more about the power of the pyramid and why it should matter to today’s leaders.  In December, we’re presenting the topic at the Future of Work Conference in Boston.

Here are some other highlights from this month’s issue:

Resource Corner – This month’s resource is the “Culture & Change” infographic.  It illustrates the relationship between culture and performance, explaining how companies that will flourish in the 21st century are those that respond to turbulence by managing change effectively.

Sticky Solutions – “Should I let my team fail?” is the question we address this month. It’s a risky proposition that can result in huge benefits – if you know who to do it effectively.

Business in Focus – Speaking of risk, we’re pleased to share what happened to Stephen Aarstol 3 years after he froze in mid-pitch on Shark Tank.




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