Ranked #3 of the Top 21 Best Business Strategy Blogs by Center for Management & Organization Effectiveness


Perspectives on theWorld we Work in

The Virtue of the Silent Leader, By Dr. Tony Baron

The Virtue of the Silent Leader, By Dr. Tony Baron

Over the past 10 years, I have been honored to explore and debate the essence of power with Dr. Tony Baron. Specifically, how power impacts leadership, how leadership impacts culture, and, ultimately, how culture impacts performance.  With a double doctorate in psychology...

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Leadership by Imitation

Leadership by Imitation

William Thackeray said, “the world is a looking glass and gives back to every man the reflection of his own face.”  This observation goes double for leaders.  Successful leaders understand the power of the “law of imitation.” This law holds that your actions, behaviors,...

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Listen or Fail

Let’s face it.  Most of us are terrible listeners.  As we fought our way up the corporate food chain, our conversations were opportunities to prove our intellectual prowess.  We wanted to get ahead and stay ahead, and that meant convincing others that our ideas were the...

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