Employee Engagement, People
As our Employee Engagement Specialist, Jenny Jacobs brings an infectious humor and midwestern sensibility to everything she does. Jenny is a lifelong learner and a natural teacher who guides our clients through a structured employee engagement method that improves bottom lines and results in changes that last. Jenny holds a B.A. in Organizational Psychology from the University of Michigan and is a 2017 Masters candidate for Organizational/Industrial Psychology from Azusa Pacific University. And don’t forget to check out the short video below where Jenny introduces herself and our new program.
By: Jenny Jacobs
What does it mean to operate from a place of your strengths? I’m not talking about how strong you are or if you are able to leap tall buildings in a single bound… I am talking about helping your employees recognize the talents that naturally exist within them. Each of your employees serves a special purpose within your organization based on their strengths. When we tap into them as a strengths-based team, we can build a vibrant, healthy work environment.
I recently heard a fascinating radio program about Suzanne Simard, a forest ecologist. In a study on collaboration among trees, Simard discovered that trees work together through a network of forest floor communication. Simard states that trees need a complex and diverse community to thrive in.
In her June 2016 TED Talk, Simard explained the symbiotic needs of trees in a forest. Trees are connected to their forest community in a kind of “underground super-highway”, Simard explains. They need other plants that can cycle nutrients more quickly or that can access nutrients in different niches. They need neighbors that are resistant to insects and diseases. So, instead of competition for resources, trees are actually communicating and cooperating with their neighbors. They make sure their neighbors — their diverse community — is vibrant because that feeds back to them and impacts their health.
Simard equates the forest community to the way our communities work. We live in communities of doctors and teachers and people who run coffee shops and bakeries. A thriving community requires a whole range of skills and resources. We need each other. If you take away the baker, we’ve got no bread. If you remove the banker, financial stability is shaken.
Just as the trees in the forest share resources to remain vibrant and healthy, so must managers identify individual strengths of team members for maximum collaboration and engagement. Don’t hire people for their strengths then ask them to work on their weaknesses. Instead, unlock their natural talents, give them the tools and support that best suits their individual style and you’ll build a team that thrives!
Click here to learn more about 5 Generations. Side by Side. and reserve your seat for our June 6 workshop!
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CEE News is designed to help you with the challenges you face every day by sharing infographics, white papers, best practices, and spotlighting businesses that are getting it right. I hope you’ll subscribe to CEE News and it becomes a resource that continually adds value to your walk as a leader. If I can be of assistance in any way, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
Employee Engagement, Multigenerational Workforce
As our Employee Engagement Specialist, Jenny Jacobs brings an infectious humor and midwestern sensibility to everything she does. Jenny is a lifelong learner and a natural teacher who guides our clients through a structured employee engagement method that improves bottom lines and results in changes that last. Jenny holds a B.A. in Organizational Psychology from the University of Michigan and is a 2017 Masters candidate for Organizational/Industrial Psychology from Azusa Pacific University. And don’t forget to check out the short video below where Jenny introduces herself and our new program.
By: Jenny Jacobs
Years ago I was on an archery league. One of the first things I learned was the importance of proper body alignment. Although it was important to have a proper bow, arrows, and sight/scope the most important aspect of hitting the target was proper alignment: the foot facing forward must be parallel to the shooting line, as well as the arms and hips. A person could have all of the best and most expensive equipment but if the alignment is off the bullseye will never be hit. An interesting aspect of this was that many times I felt that my stance was perfect but then someone would come along and point out what I could be doing differently. As soon as I made the tiniest adjustment my shooting would improve exponentially.
So it goes in the business world. Organizations can have all the bells and whistles for their employees (great benefits, employee activities, snack, bring your pet to work, etc.) but if they never teach their employees the proper technique for alignment with goals and growth the rest of that “stuff” is pointless.
Employees want to do well in their jobs. They want to feel a sense of purpose and engagement in the workplace. No one wants to come to work each day and be oblivious to how what they do accomplishes a larger task.
You must empower your team members to fully understand how what they do each day is connected to the goals of the company and how they are an integral part of those goals.
Helping your employees tweak their “stance” is the surest way to adjust alignment to hit the bullseye every time!

Click here to learn more about 5 Generations. Side by Side. and reserve your seat for our June 6 workshop!

Interested in getting more content like this? Subscribe to CEE News!
CEE News is designed to help you with the challenges you face every day by sharing infographics, white papers, best practices, and spotlighting businesses that are getting it right. I hope you’ll subscribe to CEE News and it becomes a resource that continually adds value to your walk as a leader. If I can be of assistance in any way, please don’t hesitate to reach out!
Employee Engagement, Multigenerational Workforce
As our Employee Engagement Specialist, Jenny Jacobs brings an infectious humor and midwestern sensibility to everything she does. Jenny is a lifelong learner and a natural teacher who guides our clients through a structured employee engagement method that improves bottom lines and results in changes that last. Jenny holds a B.A. in Organizational Psychology from the University of Michigan and is a 2017 Masters candidate for Organizational/Industrial Psychology from Azusa Pacific University. And don’t forget to check out the short video below where Jenny introduces herself and our new program.
By: Jenny Jacobs
In my last blog, I discussed how for the first time in history we have five generations working side by side. This can lead to challenges and divisions, even for the best of leaders. To engage and ignite all five generations, we recommend deploying the Transformative Leadership Model. It’s a model with four distinct quadrants: Purpose, Alignment, Strengths, and Learning & Growth.
Today, I will dive deeper into Quadrant 1: Purpose. I’d like to start by observing some fascinating facts about butterflies and their purpose as published in the Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies.
- Butterflies lay their eggs only on milkweed because milkweed is poisonous to some animals therefore their eggs remain safe.
- There are over 28,000 species of butterflies and they all serve a specific purpose that accomplishes the end result of the metamorphosis cycle.
- Butterflies are not only delightful to see fluttering around but their existence is crucial to the wellbeing of our ecosystem by supplying pollination, reducing air pollution, and enhancing environmental beauty.
The butterfly understands its purpose. It knows what it needs to do, how to do it, and how it contributes to a greater purpose. Purpose is hardwired into its DNA.
Do you know what your company’s purpose is? Do your employees know the role they play in achieving that purpose?
If your employees do not understand that they are part of the bigger picture of your organization, you are missing out on a crucial aspect of employee engagement. According to a 2014 study by Gallup, only about four in ten employees (41%) know what their company stands for and what makes its brand different from its competitors’. This lack of brand awareness is not a marketing problem; it is a mission-driven leadership and management problem.
Since it is counterproductive to design five distinct programs or strategies to manage each generation, the Transformative Leadership Model empowers management teams to encourage a meaningful work experience by leading everyone together. Connecting your employees to your higher purpose will take your organization to the next level.
Question: Do your employees know that they are part of the bigger picture of your organization?

Click here to learn more about 5 Generations. Side by Side. and reserve your seat for our March 28th workshop!