Welcome to Our New Open House

We’re excited to introduce you to our new website and inaugural newsletter! We’ve launched these media to share our thoughts on the next big ideas that will shape and disrupt our industry and meet the challenges of leaders in the 21st century. 

We have come a long way since launching Center for Executive Excellence in January of 2012. The new site reflects our comprehensive suite of solutions while showcasing our seasoned team of thought leaders with behind-the-desk experience.


A Leadership Lesson à la Donald Trump

4 Steps to Celebrate Your Milestones

Earlier this month, I sat down with my team to review our performance for the quarter. We looked at the goals we set at the beginning of the year, reflected on our performance, and discussed what we needed to do to finish the year strong. Along with financial and client goals, we also have goals for maintaining a high-performance culture.


3 Questions to Keep You Honest as a Leader

What words would others use to describe your leadership style?

Confident? Decisive? Assertive? Charismatic? Would it shock you if they actually describe you as “arrogant,” “aggressive,” a “bad listener,” or an “egomaniac”?

There’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance—and for leaders, the results can be disastrous for you and your company. (more…)