How 1 Simple New Year’s Resolution Will Help You Succeed

How 1 Simple New Year’s Resolution Will Help You Succeed

In his book, When the Game Is Over, It All Goes Back in the Box, John Ortberg tells a story about his son. Ortberg says,

One day when my son was three, he had been working with a tape player for an hour or so. After a while he looked up at his mom and said, ‘Mom, you know what’s the trouble with life?’ His mom replied, ‘No I don’t. What’s the trouble with life?’ The three-year-old sitting on the floor, who had thoroughly reflected on both toy technology and the conditions of human existence, made a profound observation. ‘The trouble with life is that it doesn’t have a rewind button!’ Every day and every minute carries its own finality. Time is a non-renewable resource.”  


6 Truths About Change Management

For the past month everything around us has been changing. Temperatures are falling and the sun is setting earlier. Leaves are changing to vibrant reds and deep yellows.  There’s no denying that fall is here and winter is just around the corner.  As humans, we are hard wired to accept the inevitability of seasonal changes.  Although we can manage the extreme weather changes of four seasons a year, we are not so adaptive when it comes to organizational change. (more…)

4 Leadership Lessons We Can Learn from Orangutans

Danum Valley is an ancient tropical forest on the northeastern tip of Borneo with an outstanding complement of flora and fauna.  It is the largest remaining area of virgin undisturbed lowland rainforest on the island spanning 170 square miles.  Recognized as one of the world’s most complex ecosystems, Danum Valley lies along the upper reaches of the Segama River and is flanked by vast timber concession acreage. The valley is home to rare and endangered species like the Sumatran rhino, the Asian elephant, the clouded leopard, and the orangutan. (more…)

Leadership Evolution: 5 Questions for Dr. Tony Baron

For more than two decades, Dr. Tony Baron has studied the impact of power on people, organizations, and societies.

His work led to being called to counsel survivors of the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, of the Columbine High School massacre, and of the attack on the World Trade Center. More recently, Dr. Baron has helped spread the concept of servant leadership to corporate America and religious leaders.  He has shared his expertise with organizations ranging from West Point to Ford Motor Company to the U.S. Postal Service. (more…)