Message From Our Founder


Welcome to the eighth issue of CEE News!

Just 50 years ago, long distance phone lines were so scarce that some international companies hired squads of “dialers”. Their only job was to dial the phone all day in hopes of getting an open line so that headquarters could talk to someone in a satellite office.

Fast track to today, when nearly 70% of the world’s population has access to cell phones. Our ability to download instant information is ubiquitous, addictive and transformative. Information has become the new raw material. Business success depends on our ability to turn that raw material into knowledge, and that knowledge into service.

Yet, how many of our organizations remain structured much as they were 50 years ago?  How many still reflect the pyramid structure that has been prevalent since America was a manufacturing economy at the turn of the 20th century?

That’s a major topic we’ll be tackling at The Re:Imagine Leadership Summit in San Diego this month. It’s a one-day immersion in transformative leadership co-hosted by Dr. Tony Baron and I. The day is designed to learn how to meet the demands of rapid change by creating a culture that can respond swiftly, communicate freely, encourage experimentation, and organize as a network of people motivated by a shared purpose.


We sincerely hope you can join us and meet our CEO Panel from Steve Wagner, President of Stone Brewing, Greg Hunter, President of Hunter Industries, and Naseer Nasim, President & CEO of Baker Hill Solutions.  You can learn more and register for this event here. Seating is limited!

Speaking of Hunter Industries, find out how their strong culture contributes to key metrics like their 4% turnover rate in this month’s Business in Focus.  Check out Sticky Solutions to learn how to deal with the toxic achiever who may be poisoning your culture. Don’t forget to visit our Resource Center to download our free white paper, From Buzz Phrase to Business Case: Why Employee Engagement Matters.





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