Message From Our Founder

Welcome to the seventy-eighth issue of CEE News! .


I am of the age when families bought volumes of the World Book Encyclopedia from door-to-door salesmen. The 20-volume, hardbound set could be purchased on a payment plan for around $700. The volumes were divided alphabetically into articles and themes often accompanied by beautiful illustrations. Before I was 5-years old, I had poured through every volume that lined the shelves in our living room. That core childhood memory is what fueled my lifelong love for libraries – where I could check out stacks of books and enjoy the gift of reading for free.

library of congressIf I could choose any other vocational path than my current one, I would aspire to hold the position of Librarian of Congress. That enviable role has been held by Dr. Carla Hayden since September 2016. Dr. Hayden is the 14th person to hold the position, and notably the first woman and first African American to lead the largest library in the world, with millions of books, recordings, photographs, newspapers, maps and manuscripts in its collections.

In celebration of Black History Month, we’re recognizing notable Black Americans – both historic and contemporary – today and throughout the month of February. In addition to this nod to Dr. Hayden, we’re sharing an article and infographic about Black explorers, scientists, and activists like Pauli Murray and Matthew Henson. We’ll recommend some of our favorite new books by Black American authors, and we’re kicking off a new diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) Executive Certificate and DEI On-Demand training program.

We’ve partnered with Blue Ocean Brain and Credly to develop a powerful microlearning program designed to develop essential DEI skills and earn digital credentials to add to your social media profiles and showcase what you’ve earned to colleagues, managers, and potential employers.

Since early childhood, learning has been a passion of mine. As an adult, I’m so honored to be able to help others learn, and to know that one of the most enviable roles in America is in the good hands of the esteemed Dr. Carla Hayden.



Sheri Nasim | President & CEO




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