Letter from the Founder
Welcome to the forty-second issue of CEE News!
If you get lucky in this lifetime, you get to meet someone with the vision to right a wrong in the world, and the tenacity to make it happen. If you get very lucky, you get to play a small role in seeing that vision become a reality.
If you get very, very lucky, your spouse joins you for dozens of promotional events, your children cheer you on, and your colleagues start volunteering their talents toward the mission. Business leaders, government representatives, philanthropists, families, friends and the community start pulling together in a collective effort as the vision evolves from a dream to a reality. I consider myself lucky on all of these counts.
Letter from the Founder
Welcome to the forty-first issue of CEE News!
A few years ago, my mother and I were rummaging through an antique store in North Bend, Oregon. We came across stacks of Life magazines, and dug through them until we found a copy from January of 1962 – the year that I was born. I had expected to find quaint articles on fashion – with tweed suits and coordinating pillbox hats à la Jackie Kennedy – or a feature of one of movies released that year like To Kill a Mockingbird, The Miracle Worker, or Lawrence of Arabia. Instead, the edition was devoted to nuclear fallout shelters. Against the backdrop of escalating tensions with the Soviet Union, President Kennedy urged Americans to build bomb shelters in a speech he delivered the previous October.
Letter from the Founder
Welcome to the fortieth issue of CEE News!
“There are two kinds of people who come into the E.R.,” my friend Jenny who worked in hospital patient logistics once told me. “There are the people we see regularly who feel that every little ache or pain is a medical emergency. They call for an ambulance to bring them in as if it’s an extension of Uber. Then there are those on the other end of the spectrum (like you),” Jenny implied. “People who come in with a piece of wood duct taped to an arm they broke weeks ago that they tried to reset themselves,” she says while holding her arm at a freakish angle.
My friend Jenny is very funny. She’s also wise. Like any wise friend, Jenny was not giving me unsolicited advice. She was using humor to suggest that not addressing my heart condition was bordering on the absurd. She was right, of course.
Letter from the Founder
Welcome to the thirty-ninth issue of CEE News!
Our team is already busy planning next year’s Re:Imagine Leadership Summit. As we looked back at feedback from attendees of past year’s summits, two themes emerged: 1) the desire to spend more time with other attendees; and 2) the desire to deep dive into the content.
So, here’s what we’re working on. Divide the day into two sections, both focused on leadership. The morning will be dedicated to self-leadership because you simply cannot be an effective leader without understanding how your own wiring impacts your ability to assess reality correctly. We’re going to look at neuroscience and talk about the impact of power on the brain. We’ll talk about triggers –
Letter from the Founder
Welcome to the thirty-eighth issue of CEE News!
For those of you who have been reading CEE News lately to hear about my summer travel exploits, I’ll save you the anticipation: no family feud broke out on the Alaskan cruise. (If you have no idea what I am talking about, you can catch up here).
We did not discuss the subject of global warming. My brothers (all from Texas) did not tease me about the ban on plastic straws in my state (California). No one called ‘fake news’ on anyone else.
Letter from the Founder
Welcome to the thirty-seventh issue of CEE News!
For the first time in my career, I’ve been on travel three out of four weeks in a single month. That included one business trip to Bristol, England, a niece’s wedding in Hamburg, Germany, a sightseeing trip to Dublin, Ireland, and two days of work and play in London. That was followed by a week in my San Diego office followed by a week cruising Alaska with my family.
I’m a planner by nature. Sometimes, I plan too far ahead. So, if you read this newsletter last month, I told you that I was in Alaska. I had jumped a month ahead when writing my newsletter message, but now – truly – am in Alaska.