Mindfulness Moment: Do the thing you think you cannot do

Mindfulness Moment: Do the thing you think you cannot do


The other day I tried to open my closet door but the door of my nightstand was open, prohibiting the closet door from opening. I soon realized no amount of force would work. It was as only when I closed the night stand door that the closet door could easily slide open.

Many times in life we need to tweak one area of our life in order to move ahead.

Sometimes it is something small such as starting a journal or drinking more water. And sometimes it is something a little more involved. Maybe it is time to forgive that hurt that has held you back or perhaps you need to take that first step toward starting your education.

Whatever “tweak” you need to make, make it today in this moment.

Once you do a whole new world is going to open up to you.

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Jenny is a dynamic speaker, coach, and blogger and is passionate about helping people integrate their personal and professional selves.

Jenny helps organizations empower their employees by implementing tools that help manage stress, achieve self-awareness, and challenge mental barriers that may hinder behavior change.  Learn more about Jenny



Mindfulness Moment: Do the thing you think you cannot do

Mindfulness Moment: Start with the decision to try


What sets apart the successful people from the unsuccessful people? It boils down to one thing: Successful people keep trying.

Anyone has the ability to be successful at something. We tend to place a monetary value on things but success is much more than being rich or running a company or being famous.

How do you define success?

Success is being the best you can be with the resources you have. Have you made the effort to be better than you were yesterday? If so, then you are a success.

Many times people give up trying because they aren’t seeing results. Success doesn’t happen overnight. It takes hard work and perseverance. What are you doing in this moment to be a success? Are you thankful? Are you learning something new? Are you going to stop letting your life pass you by?

Right this very minute decide you will keep trying. That’s when the good stuff starts to happen..

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Jenny is a dynamic speaker, coach, and blogger and is passionate about helping people integrate their personal and professional selves.

Jenny helps organizations empower their employees by implementing tools that help manage stress, achieve self-awareness, and challenge mental barriers that may hinder behavior change.  Learn more about Jenny



Mindfulness Moment: Do the thing you think you cannot do

Mindfulness Moment: Break out of your comfort zone


Our comfort zone. Ahh… It feels so good. It’s familiar. It is soothing. It makes us feel safe. But only temporarily. 

Living in one’s comfort zone for too long often leads to discontent, anxiety, and powerlessness.

The surest way to break out of our comfort zone is doing something, anything, out of the norm.

From writing down why you want to accomplish something to making the choice to forgive. It can be something as simple as drinking more water or giving a heartfelt compliment to a coworker. Any success you will ever experience begins with one tiny step.

Do SOMETHING in this moment. Once you make that first step out of your comfort zone you are that much closer to getting something you have never had – the life you were meant to live.

Are you interested in receiving weekly mindfulness moments by email?

Send us a message at info@executiveexcellence.com and we will add you to our
Mindfulness Moments subscriber list!

Jenny is a dynamic speaker, coach, and blogger and is passionate about helping people integrate their personal and professional selves.

Jenny helps organizations empower their employees by implementing tools that help manage stress, achieve self-awareness, and challenge mental barriers that may hinder behavior change.  Learn more about Jenny



Mindfulness Moment: Do the thing you think you cannot do

Mindfulness Moment: End your relationship with stress


It’s time to have that talk you have been dreading. You’ve had a long relationship. You used to get a buzz from this relationship but now it makes you anxious and weary. You’ve finally had enough.

It’s time to end your relationship with stress.

Stress will always be part of your life. However, you no longer have to let it have control over you. That’s right…you are the only one who allows stress to control you.

You see, when you constantly react to every circumstance that comes into your life, you are giving away your power and causing yourself more and more stress. Only when you plug back into your life will you ever be able to live the life you were meant to live.

The next time you encounter a stressful situation, stop for one moment and take a deep breath. It’s taking this pause that signals to your brain that in this moment, you do not have to fall prey to what is happening around you. This is a process – it does not happen overnight. It takes time and practice but soon you will start to feel whole again.

You can do this. You are powerful and you deserve better.

Are you interested in receiving weekly mindfulness moments by email?

Send us a message at info@executiveexcellence.com and we will add you to our
Mindfulness Moments subscriber list!

Jenny is a dynamic speaker, coach, and blogger and is passionate about helping people integrate their personal and professional selves.

Jenny helps organizations empower their employees by implementing tools that help manage stress, achieve self-awareness, and challenge mental barriers that may hinder behavior change.  Learn more about Jenny



Mindfulness Moment: Do the thing you think you cannot do

Mindfulness Moment: Well begun is half done

When setting out to accomplish a task Mary Poppins said “Well begun is half done.”
Many times starting is the most difficult part of accomplishing something.

What are you putting off in this moment? What is causing you fear? Why haven’t you made that first step?

Begin with writing down your WHY. Why do you want to accomplish this? Why is this important to you? Stating your WHY is powerful.

Next, take one small step forward. You can do it. Only you can make your life happen.

You can begin your journey in this very moment. Take that step. Once you do you’re halfway there.

Are you interested in receiving weekly mindfulness moments by email?

Send us a message at info@executiveexcellence.com and we will add you to our
Mindfulness Moments subscriber list!

Jenny is a dynamic speaker, coach, and blogger and is passionate about helping people integrate their personal and professional selves.

Jenny helps organizations empower their employees by implementing tools that help manage stress, achieve self-awareness, and challenge mental barriers that may hinder behavior change.  Learn more about Jenny



Mindfulness Moment: Do the thing you think you cannot do

Mindfulness Moment: You are who you choose to become


People often mistake what has happened to them for who they are. Nothing could be further from the truth.

What has happened to you may have been horrendous, defeating, debilitating, or overwhelming, but it does not have to define you.

You have a choice in this moment to focus on who you really are.

In this moment you are loved. You have air in your lungs. You have the ability to read these words. You are powerful. You will succeed.

You no longer have to stay stuck in the past or fear the future. You have all you need in this moment to be thankful.

Close your eyes for a moment and take a few deep breaths: I am not what has happened to me. I am what I choose to become.

Are you interested in receiving weekly mindfulness moments by email?

Send us a message at info@executiveexcellence.com and we will add you to our
Mindfulness Moments subscriber list!

Jenny is a dynamic speaker, coach, and blogger and is passionate about helping people integrate their personal and professional selves.

Jenny helps organizations empower their employees by implementing tools that help manage stress, achieve self-awareness, and challenge mental barriers that may hinder behavior change.  Learn more about Jenny

