Mindfulness Moment: Are you good at listening?

Mindfulness Moment: Are you good at listening?

How good are you at listening? I mean, really listening.

We HEAR people and things around us every day. Hearing and listening are two different things.

It’s easy to hear the noise in our lives. We constantly hear the noise of our family, friends, coworkers, and bosses telling us what to do or who we should be.

Take time to listen today. Really listen to that small voice within us telling us that we can be more and live with passion.

Stop simply going through the motions of your life.

Don’t merely respond to everything around you. Start paying attention to what is already inside you. Take this moment to really listen.


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Jenny is a dynamic speaker, coach, and blogger and is passionate about helping people integrate their personal and professional selves.

Jenny helps organizations empower their employees by implementing tools that help manage stress, achieve self-awareness, and challenge mental barriers that may hinder behavior change.  Learn more about Jenny



Mindfulness Moment: Are you good at listening?

Mindfulness Moment: What engages you?

Are you constantly worried about what people think of you? Does your happiness fluctuate depending on your circumstances?

It’s time to stop that cycle.

When you rely on people or circumstances or things to define your happiness, you will always be left feeling stressed, empty, and never satisfied.

Focus on this moment and choose to discover what gives you fulfillment and empowerment.

What goals have you been pushing to the back of your life? Start with something small today. Start with writing down what you want to accomplish.

That will lead to a plan.

Remember: success begets success. But also keep in mind that true success only comes from focusing on what makes you feel engaged – not trying to please everyone or finding fulfillment in things.


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Mindfulness Moments subscriber list!

Jenny is a dynamic speaker, coach, and blogger and is passionate about helping people integrate their personal and professional selves.

Jenny helps organizations empower their employees by implementing tools that help manage stress, achieve self-awareness, and challenge mental barriers that may hinder behavior change.  Learn more about Jenny



Mindfulness Moment: Are you good at listening?

Mindfulness Moment: Building the NEW


Change can be terrifying.

What if I fail at the new thing? What if I look foolish? What if everyone laughs at me? What if.

Change often brings about those two little words that send our thinking into a downward spiral. Only you can stop your brain and begin to think… What if I love what I’m doing? What if I feel passion and fulfillment in my life? What if I never want to go back to the way things were?

It’s up to you – in this moment.

Take that one small step toward the unknown. Take a deep breath and embrace what you know you’re meant to do and be.

Stop fighting and start building.

Are you interested in receiving weekly mindfulness moments by email?

Send us a message at info@executiveexcellence.com and we will add you to our
Mindfulness Moments subscriber list!

Jenny is a dynamic speaker, coach, and blogger and is passionate about helping people integrate their personal and professional selves.

Jenny helps organizations empower their employees by implementing tools that help manage stress, achieve self-awareness, and challenge mental barriers that may hinder behavior change.  Learn more about Jenny



Mindfulness Moment: Are you good at listening?

Mindfulness Moment: Listen to your own drum

It is often difficult to shut out the noise around us.

The noise of those around us telling us what or who we should be. The noise of feeling envious of people or situations. The noise of our own thoughts causing us to doubt.

You have inside you everything you need to succeed and feel empowered. Focus on this moment and everything that is good about it. You have air in your lungs, you are reading this vignette, and you have the power to live an exceedingly abundant life.

Listen to YOUR drum. It really does make the sweetest sound.


Are you interested in receiving weekly mindfulness moments by email?

Send us a message at info@executiveexcellence.com and we will add you to our
Mindfulness Moments subscriber list!

Jenny is a dynamic speaker, coach, and blogger and is passionate about helping people integrate their personal and professional selves.

Jenny helps organizations empower their employees by implementing tools that help manage stress, achieve self-awareness, and challenge mental barriers that may hinder behavior change.  Learn more about Jenny



Mindfulness Moment: Are you good at listening?

Mindfulness Moment: You are stronger than you think

Are you filled with worry in this moment?

Even as you’re reading this, are you fretting about paying your bills? Wondering how you’ll get through today? Or the month? Overwhelmed with a diagnosis of an illness? Perhaps the illness of a loved one?

When you are filled with doubt and fear it robs you of this moment. I’m not saying focusing on your breathing or focusing on this moment magically takes away all of your problems, but what is does do is it stops the avalanche of thoughts that defeat us and convinces us that life is too unbearable to handle.

You can do this. You are far stronger than you know.

In this moment, take a few seconds and take a deep breath and say out loud ONE thing you are thankful for. This shifts your brain and allows you to view things from a fresh perspective. It is living actively in the face of all that is going on in your life.

Don’t let your thoughts empty today of its strength.

Are you interested in receiving weekly mindfulness moments by email?

Send us a message at info@executiveexcellence.com and we will add you to our
Mindfulness Moments subscriber list!

Jenny is a dynamic speaker, coach, and blogger and is passionate about helping people integrate their personal and professional selves.

Jenny helps organizations empower their employees by implementing tools that help manage stress, achieve self-awareness, and challenge mental barriers that may hinder behavior change.  Learn more about Jenny



Mindfulness Moment: Are you good at listening?

Mindfulness Moment: Mindfulness takes practice


Sounds simple enough, right? Then why is it so difficult to stay focused on the present?

Thoughts from the past creep into our mind holding us captive to feelings of regret, pain, worry. Thoughts from the future rob us of today by convincing us we are better off filled with fear and anxiety.

Mindfulness is not one more thing to put on your to-do list.
Mindfulness is plugging back into your life.

Even in those moments you are feeling fearful or totally stressed or overwhelmed, when you focus on THIS moment those feelings are quelled.

It takes practice and patience and being kind and loving to yourself and to your thoughts. Merely gaining an awareness of the present is the first step to breaking old habits that keep us feeling powerless and frustrated.

Are you interested in receiving weekly mindfulness moments by email?

Send us a message at info@executiveexcellence.com and we will add you to our
Mindfulness Moments subscriber list!

Jenny is a dynamic speaker, coach, and blogger and is passionate about helping people integrate their personal and professional selves.

Jenny helps organizations empower their employees by implementing tools that help manage stress, achieve self-awareness, and challenge mental barriers that may hinder behavior change.  Learn more about Jenny

