Message From Our Founder


Welcome to the eleventh issue of CEE News!

I know I’m not alone in feeling that life speeds up as we age.  It’s a thing, right?

It’s already halfway through the year.  Pumpkin pie and jingle bells cannot be far behind.

While we can’t stop time from passing, we can create a plan to make sure we don’t get caught short at year end.

The Balanced ScorecardAt the beginning of each year, my team puts together a balanced scorecard strategy.  Employee performance goals are directly tied to our strategic goals. We meet quarterly to review both corporate goals and employee goals to see if we’re on track or where we need to course correct.

How about your team?  If your organization operates on a calendar year like us, you should have a mid-year business review on your calendar this month.  Do you also have mid-year employee performance reviews scheduled?

Help your team succeed by making sure they are clear about your organization’s goals, what role they play in achieving those goals, and get quarterly checkups to make sure they’re all paddling in the same direction.

Anyway, back to me.  One of our goals for 2016 was to increase our thought leadership reach.  I’m pleased to share that Dr. Tony Baron and I have signed with an agent to publish our new book, and I’ve been invited to contribute to the Forbes Coaches Council and The Huffington Post!

Thank you for checking out this month’s CEE News.  Happy reading!



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