Message From Our Founder

Message From Our Founder

Welcome to the 105th issue of CEE News! . At the beginning of each summer, I like to share curated lists of new books that provide diverse perspectives to help our readers grow both personally and professionally. This year, I’m switching things up. With close to 4 million new books being published each year, I’m prioritizing quality over quantity, and sharing six engrossing books about the dynamics between power and leadership that I’ve read in the past year. I hope you’ll find this list helpful if you’re looking for something to read this summer that will bring you to think more deeply ...
Message From Our Founder

Message From Our Founder

Welcome to the 103rd issue of CEE News! . For the past few weeks, everything around us has been changing. The days are getting longer. Birds are building their nests. Flowers are bursting with new blooms. There’s no denying that winter is over and spring is here. As humans, we’ve learned to adapt to the inevitability of seasonal changes. When it comes to organizational change, however, we often resist being open to new ways of thinking and behaving. If you’re engaged in the effort to set a new direction, orchestrate innovation, or mold a culture, here are six universal truths that can ...
Message From Our Founder

Message From Our Founder

Welcome to the 102nd issue of CEE News! . If there had been Three Wise Women instead of Three Wise Men, they would have:- Asked for directions- Arrived on time- Helped deliver the baby- Cleaned the stable- Made a casserole- Brought practical gifts That's a joke shared by Susan Packard, Cofounder of HGTV, in her 2015 book, New Rules of the Game:10 Strategies for Women in the Workplace. I picked up Packard's book when I attended the San Diego Women’s Week annual Leadership Conference in recognition of Women’s History Month that year. This year, I had the honor of speaking at the conference ...
Message From Our Founder

Message From Our Founder

“What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?” If you were a fan of “Inside the Actor’s Studio” hosted by the late James Lipton, you’ll recognize that as one of the ten questions taken from the Proust Questionnaire that Lipton asked his guests at the end of each show. Both Cate Blanchett and Dave Chappelle, “Architect.” Michael J. Fox and Eddie Murphy would have liked to have been teachers.
Message From Our Founder

Message From Our Founder

We are thrilled to mark the occasion of wrapping our 10-year anniversary celebration and coincidentally releasing the 100th edition of our monthly newsletter, CEE News! It’s been an honor to celebrate a decade of commitment to our mission – Taking you from what is to what is possible – and making an impact on hundreds of organizations and their teams. As we toast to this double celebration – 100 consecutive newsletters and 10 years of making a difference - we want to express our profound gratitude for your support.
10×100 Campaign – WriteGirl

10×100 Campaign – WriteGirl

We’ve been honored to celebrate our 10-year anniversary by making donations of $100, each, to 10 non-profits in 2023. This 10x100 Campaign has been our way of giving something back to the world that has given so much to us. This month, we’re donating $100 to WriteGirl, and sharing this Q&A with the organization’s Executive Director Keren Taylor.
Message From Our Founder

Message From Our Founder

As November unfolds marking an unquestionable change in the seasons, now is the perfect time for leaders to embrace a practice that can transform not only their own lives but also the lives of those they lead. Gratitude, often underestimated in its power, is a quality that can foster positivity, resilience, and stronger connections within your team. Consider these three ways that you can practice and model gratitude this month as a leader, and create a ripple effect of appreciation and well-being.
Message From Our Founder

Message From Our Founder

When my husband and I were driving our rental car from Hannover to Bremen, Germany, for a family wedding this summer, he used the down time to log into the last few minutes of his daily Team's meeting. It was 3:12 p.m. in Germany (9:12 a.m. Eastern in the U.S.) I listened quietly on the car's speaker system as one of the team members spent a few minutes sharing some interesting facts she'd learned about owls. After the owl talk, another team member took the opportunity to share that one of their employees in North Carolina had found a stray dog - he called it Founddog. 
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