Message From Our Founder

Welcome to the thirty-sixth issue of CEE News! By the time you read this, I will have embarked on a week-long cruise to Alaska.  If you are opening this on Tuesday, I will be spending the day on the island of Ketchikan, cruising the George Inlet Waterway, then feasting on Dungeness crabs.  Wednesday is the Tracy Arm Fjord. The cruise will be spent with my husband, my mother, my three brothers and their spouses.  Nine of us altogether.  By my estimate (based on personal knowledge backed by Facebook shares, likes and comments), three have political leanings that are not shared by the ...

Business in Focus: CORE Foods

A closer look at companies executing leadership excellence What do the Disney movie Bambi and the BBC reality show Last Man Standing have in common? Corey Rennell, Founder of CORE Foods.  The same week that Corey first watched Bambi at age 7, his father brought home a deer he’d shot on a hunting trip. By the time he was old enough to decide what food he would and would not eat, Rennell declared himself a vegan. While attending Harvard, Rennell was recruited as a contestant on Last Man Standing. (more…)

Sticky Solutions

Sticky solutions to your everyday business challenges Question: I manage a team of 12 in a public accounting firm in Austin, Texas.  Although the lead-up to April 15th is our busiest time of the year, we also perform bookkeeping, consulting and auditing tasks throughout the year for our individual and corporate clients.  This month, five members of our team will be on vacation at the same time.  How do I keep the rest of my team productive while everyone else is taking time off? (more…)

Message From Our Founder

Welcome to the thirty-fifth issue of CEE News! Last month, results from an annual poll that tracks the state of civility in the United States found that 93% identified a civility problem in America, with 69% classifying it as a major problem. What is your guess about how that compares to civility in the workplace? If you work at Google, you may be feeling that the culture of incivility at work is about the same as it is reported in society. Just a week ago, Google issued a new code of conduct aimed at reducing online employee harassment within its own ranks. As reported in Wired, “a ...

Sticky Solutions

Sticky solutions to your everyday business challenges Question: I love my company, but am available by email 24/7, travel internationally, and am nicknamed the Go-To Queen for everything from strategic support for 15 departments, to sales, to customer and vendor relationships. I refer to the work that I do every weekend as catching up. The problem is, I never really catch up.  How can I be a collaborative team member and save myself from burnout? (more…)

Business in Focus: Twinings

A closer look at companies executing leadership excellence Since opening its doors in 1717, Thomas Twinings’ Golden Lyon tea shop at 216 Strand has become a staple of London’s history.  300 years later, it’s the world’s oldest running dry tea and coffee shop. You may not find it surprising that Twinings has a storied history with British royalty, was fondly remembered by a young Jane Austen, or fortified Londoners’ spirits by continuously brewing and serving tea during the bombings of the city during World War II.  You may be surprised to learn, however, that Twinings recently achieved ...

Message From Our Founder

Welcome to the thirty-fourth issue of CEE News! This is the time of the year that many of us attend the Pomp and Circumstance processional at graduation ceremonies across the country. I’ve curated three of the best of this year’s commencement speeches for advice that could be applied by both freshly minted graduates and senior executives: (more…)

Business in Focus: sweetgreen

A closer look at companies executing leadership excellence In 2007, three hungry Georgetown students were constantly on the search for food. But, for Nicolas Jammet, Jonathan Neman, and Nathaniel Ru, Taco Bell just wasn’t cutting it. They started talking about their post-graduation plans and decided to fix their own problem.  And sweetgreen was born. Eleven years later, the founders of this hip and healthy farm-to-table salad chain are controlling one of America's most successful startups.  With over 70 locations and 3,500 employees, sweetgreen is putting the sexy in salad.  The secret ...
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