10x100 Campaign, Business In Focus
A closer look at 10 nonprofits we are supporting this year who are making a huge impact

We’ve been marking our 10-year anniversary with something that we’re calling a 10×100 Campaign. We wanted to give something back to the world that has given so much to us, so we’ve decided to donate $100, each, to 10 nonprofits throughout the year. This month, we’re giving $100 to the San Diego Food Bank, and sharing this Q&A with SDFB’s CEO Casey Castillo.
10x100 Campaign, Business In Focus
A closer look at 10 nonprofits we are supporting this year who are making a huge impact
We’re celebrating our 10th anniversary with something that we’re calling a 10×100 Campaign. We wanted to give back to the world that has given so much to us, so we’re donating $100, each, to 10 nonprofits throughout the year. This month, we’re giving $100 to the San Diego Humane Society, and sharing this Q&A with SDHS’s President & CEO Gary Weitzman.
10x100 Campaign, Business In Focus
A closer look at 10 nonprofits we are supporting this year who are making a huge impact
To help celebrate our 10th anniversary, we’re kicking off a 10×100 Campaign to donate $100, each, to 10 nonprofits this March through December. This month, we’re giving $100 to Girls Rising-San Diego, and sharing this Q&A with Executive Director Ashley Blanc.
Business In Focus
A closer look at companies executing leadership excellence
Imagine that you are a recruiter who’s been asked to fill a back-end developer position. You work with the hiring manager to post a job description to match the skills and experience needed, and 33 applicants’ resumes are a match. Now what? How do you pare down the candidates to help the hiring manager choose from among the top handful of candidates? In a word – Codility.
Codility was founded by an engineer who wanted to spend more time coding and solving problems than interviewing dozens of candidates. Thirteen years, 200+ employees, and $22M in VC funding later, that initial concept evolved into an entirely new way of approaching tech recruiting. That gives over 30,000 talented people each month opportunities – wherever they’re based and whatever their background.
Business In Focus
A closer look at companies executing leadership excellence
Four years ago, Dr. Kathrin Hamm was among the 68% of Americans who say they have difficulty sleeping. Hamm was working as an economist with the World Bank, and, due to an increasingly demanding travel schedule, she suffered from chronic insomnia. She was burning out fast, and decided to matters into her own hands. After reviewing medical journals, Hamm learned about how weighted blankets were frequently used to bring comfort to children with sensory disorders and autism. She ordered one from a medical specialty store and it worked wonders to improve her sleep, but it was far from perfect. So in 2018, she took an entrepreneurial leap and launched Bearaby, determined to make weighted blankets that were cozy, beautiful and breathable.
Business In Focus
A closer look at companies executing leadership excellence

Digital health is an industry on a stratospheric trajectory. The coronavirus pandemic has only bolstered its ascent, lifting the prospects of companies that can offer virtual health services at a time when patients, and especially those at highest risk, simply can’t afford to go into a medical facility that’s filled with potential COVID-19 patients. Andrew Dudum was ahead of the curve on this one. While Hims (technically now Hims & Hers), began as a digital health startup geared toward men, it has since expanded its footprint to include women’s health via Hers, with telehealth services and products spanning mental health, primary care, and a variety of specific conditions ranging from erectile dysfunction to hair loss, acne, and beyond.