Business In Focus
A closer look at companies executing leadership excellence
Heading back to work after you’ve just bonded with your newborn can be agony. In 2006, a new mother at New Hampshire-based W.S. Badger was hoping to make the transition easier when she asked if she could bring her new baby back to work with her. That question launched an innovative family-friendly program at Badger where healthy body care products – from mustache wax to baby products – are packaged and sold online and at retailers including Whole Foods and Wegmans.
Business In Focus
A closer look at companies executing leadership excellence

A law firm in Cleveland, Ohio, is probably not the first organization you think of when you imagine winners of awards for organizational culture. Yet, under the leadership of managing partner Joel Rathbone, the Rathbone Group has been recognized by The Cleveland Plain Dealer and organizers of the Smart Culture Awards for one of the city’s Top Workplaces awards. The secret to the firm’s culture success lies partially in its unique workweek structure. Beginning with Management Monday,
Business In Focus
A closer look at companies executing leadership excellence
If your job includes posting updates on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, you’re probably familiar with Buffer. Why? Buffer lets you automatically post across multiple social media platforms according to when you want your target audience to see those posts. Tools to optimize social media may not be in your job description, but if you’re a leader who values culture, Buffer is worth learning more about. In the eight years since its inception, Buffer has grown to more than 4.5 million users and over $16 million in annual revenue. Its users are supported by a team of over 70 employees around the globe all of who work remotely with no brick and mortar offices. (more…)
Business In Focus
A closer look at companies executing leadership excellence
What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Panasonic? Speakers? Light bulbs? TV sets? These products and many more have been the hallmark of the Panasonic brand since its humble beginnings 100 years ago in Osaka, Japan. The Panasonic of today may not look like the one you grew up with. But, its founder, Konosuke Matsushita would take pride in the company’s continuous drive to design the future.
Business In Focus
A closer look at companies executing leadership excellence

What do the Disney movie Bambi and the BBC reality show Last Man Standing have in common? Corey Rennell, Founder of CORE Foods. The same week that Corey first watched Bambi at age 7, his father brought home a deer he’d shot on a hunting trip. By the time he was old enough to decide what food he would and would not eat, Rennell declared himself a vegan. While attending Harvard, Rennell was recruited as a contestant on Last Man Standing.
Business In Focus
A closer look at companies executing leadership excellence
Since opening its doors in 1717, Thomas Twinings’ Golden Lyon tea shop at 216 Strand has become a staple of London’s history. 300 years later, it’s the world’s oldest running dry tea and coffee shop. You may not find it surprising that Twinings has a storied history with British royalty, was fondly remembered by a young Jane Austen, or fortified Londoners’ spirits by continuously brewing and serving tea during the bombings of the city during World War II. You may be surprised to learn, however, that Twinings recently achieved Best Place to Work, U.K., recognition four years in a row.