Business in Focus: Taylor Guitars

A closer look at companies executing leadership excellence What do Neil Young, Taylor Swift, and Black Sabbath’s Tony Iommi have in common?  They are all fans of Taylor Guitars. Neil Young helped put Taylor on the map in 1978.  He fell in love with a 12-string he picked up at a music shop while vacationing in Florida. He liked it so much that he ordered a second and featured it in his concert film, “Rust Never Sleeps.” (more…)

Sticky Solutions

Sticky solutions to your everyday business challenges Question: I work for a large college in southern California in the Procurement Department.  I love my job and am proud of the work we do. Most of our staff is in their 40’s and early 50’s.  We just learned that we’re getting a new manager who is in her early 30’s.  Can you give me some tips for what to expect from her as a boss? (more…)

Message From Our Founder

Welcome to the sixth issue of CEE News! The more I work with leaders facing 21st century problems, the more I’ve come to realize one thing.  No matter how much data you have, how cutting edge your technology is, or how rapidly your business models change, the answers to the complex are still grounded in the simple. (more…)

Business in Focus: Clifton’s Cafeteria

A closer look at companies executing leadership excellence Walk into Clifton’s Cafeteria in downtown Los Angeles, and you’ll feel like you’ve stepped into Throwback Thursday and ordered a side of nostalgia. Clifton's is nothing short of an institution. It opened in 1935, and was billed as the world's largest cafeteria.  At the height of the Depression it became famous as "The Cafeteria of the Golden Rule." (more…)

Sticky Solutions

Sticky solutions to your everyday business challenges Question: I’m a junior partner in a mid-sized law firm.  I have nearly 4 years of experience in transactional (non-litigation) law.  I feel I am ready to advance in my career, and would like to find a mentor to help me get to a leadership position.  There are many senior partners at our firm who may be good candidates, but I’m not sure how to begin. Any advice? (more…)

Message From Our Founder

Happy New Year!    There once was a Pharaoh who went out to inspect the progress of two pyramids.  The first pyramid was a mess!  The blocks were uneven, the ramps were unstable, oxen were milling about…  The Pharaoh stopped a nearby worker and asked, “What is your job?”  The worker replied, “I move stones from this pile to that pile all day long.”  At the next pyramid, the Pharaoh saw much greater progress.  The blocks fit together perfectly.  Teams of oxen were moving evenly up the ramps.  This pyramid was really taking shape.  When the Pharaoh asked a worker, “What is your job?” ...

Business in Focus: McKinney Advisory Group

A closer look at companies executing leadership excellence Regardless of the size of your organization or what industry you’re in, you are more likely to get employees engaged in your business strategy if they are passionate about your purpose.  At the heart of any company is its purpose – the difference the company seeks to make in the world.  To instill a passion for purpose, the best leaders in the world focus on aligning mission, culture, and brand to empower high performance and maximize employee engagement. (more…)

Sticky Solutions

Sticky solutions to your everyday business challenges Question: My company starts the year by assigning every employee 10 – 12 goals.  We do a pretty good job of keeping on track with those for a couple of months before we start to derail. New projects come up. Client demands change.  Or, the CEO just decides to take us in a new direction mid-year.  By the end of the year, almost nothing on our performance review resembles what we did during the year. Do you have any suggestions for how to get out of this pattern?  P.S. I’m the Director of HR! (more…)
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